Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What I have learned this week is that all family members affect each other. We even have hidden rules that we follow in our families that allow us to live together smoothly without killing each other. For instance one of mine in my family was you turned the TV down and were absolutely quite whenever someone was on the phone. I learned this when I was playing with my brother too loud. My Dad happened to be taking a business call and I received a swift kick to the butt to shut me up. Little rules like this are how many families function. We all have our own little hidden rules that we grow up with and take with us into our new families. These are what make every family different.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

 I would like to share with all of you what I have learned in my exciting FAM 106 class. This week I realized that some people believe that the earth is too populated and that we need to stop having so many children. In my class I was taught the opposite with research and valid facts. Our birthing rates are very low all over the world. We are having less and less children every twenty years or less. This will lead to the decrease of our population and the lessening of our human capital. Human capital is the knowledge or ideas we can produce to the world and where we live. Children our sent from God and are very precious. If we do not give them a chance to come to this world and help make it a better place then how will we. When there are no children for the next generation to provide inventions and ideas for success we will be stuck in the same rut of life as we are recently.