Thursday, December 1, 2016

I learned that children and their upbringing is very important. You have to handle them with care. In class our teacher showed us ways we can help our children feel loved and like they belong. One thing we should do is to make contact with them. This can be either with our eyes, a hug, or a pat on the back. Humans need contact to be able to feel loved and accepted. Another things is appreciation and options. Our teacher told us that children need challenges to grow and feel like they are contributing. A way we can do this is by giving them choices. These can be very easy and simple choices like what to eat for dinner. The appreciation part can be done by giving thanks to them when they do even the tiniest and insignificant of thing that they would normally not be noticed for.

Children have a hard time learning when all parents are doing is yelling at them and punishing them. We have to teach them life lessons with love and kindness as well.This does not mean that we have to forget about punishing them for their actions but we should treat them with love and firmness. Children are our future we should teach them the way we would want to be treated as children.

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