Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What I learned today was that families are different now. In the past families did everything together even chores. Now families spend a lot more time apart and do not talk half as much as they used to. One of  the things we learned was whether women's education is wasted when they stay home and take care of their kids. We learned that though a woman stays home she will still be able to learn while she teaches her children the things they need to know to have a successful life. One of the most important things in my opinion for a woman to do is raise her children well.

The reason I feel this is so important is because their children will determine the future. If you raise your children right and well they will be able to raise the next generation well. One thing that a mom will be able to better do if she is home is to be more connected to her children. They will be able to spend more time together and talk more. The relationship you make with your family is the most important thing you can accomplish in this life. In class one comment my teacher made that struck with me is that no one at their death bed says they wish they would have made more money or been more successful at their job. They usually say that they would have wanted to spend more time with their family. This is what I want to keep in mind and accomplish for myself when I grow up and throughout my life.

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