Thursday, October 6, 2016

I have now come to view Latino families differently than I recently had. I live in Northern California where many Latinos come to pick fruit. I always respected them for their  ability to work hard at their jobs. We seem to take for granted the fact that they work so hard in our state. They work at the jobs most Caucasians refuse to take. I learned in class that not only are Latinos hard workers they have also went through a lot just to get here. The money it cost to get into the United States legally or illegally is immense. These good people spend all that they have to come here and have a better life for their families. The father usually comes by himself to earn money and get a place for his family to stay. This may seem like nothing but it could take months if not years to do this. By the time the rest of the family arrives it is usually broken apart. Latino families know what it is like to start with nothing and work hard to achieve even a little. I give an applause for their hard work and dedication to their families future.

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