Thursday, October 27, 2016

I learned today what trials married people have in life. I never knew how hard it could be to be married and to start a family. We always think marriage is all sunshine and rainbows. Either that or we think that if only they would talk out their problems they would be able to settle their differences. This is not always the case saying doing something is always harder than we think.

In my class today I learned that there are more problems in marriage than we think and we can't always settle them so easily. For instance there were examples in class about how a woman tried to talk out their problems with her husband but he would never respond. Lack of communication skills is a problem with a lot of marriages. Our background and how we grew up affects our marriage life in the future. If we were taught to ignore problems in our family before marriage then we will tend to do what we have the habit to do. Marriage is hard when you are juggling a baby between you. You will both end up feeling withdrawn from each other. I feel like the only way to get through marriage is to have the Lord blessing you through out. We can do all hard things through Christ who strengthens us. 

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