Thursday, October 20, 2016

I learned this week that face to face contact between people while talking is very important. Especially if you are dating or plan to get married to that person. In class we were given many examples of married couples that had different kinds of communication before they were married. One was how a couple had only  used Skype during their earlier relationship. They ended up getting into lots of fights and if I recall correctly even got divorced.

One aspect of communication with each other in person that helps reduce these chances is that you get to see more of the person's character. My teacher explained that you can get to know a lot about a person by their body language. For instance by the way a person walks. You can usually tell if that person is confident or not. While I was learning these concepts what came to mind was a quote from the movie Frozen. In this movie Christoph is exasperated by Anna's choice of marrying a man she just met. He tells her what if you don't like the way he eats or the way he picks his nose and eats it. We should never rush into relationships before we have been in many different situations with that person. Different situations help us to see how they react when something makes them angry or upset.

I learned this with one of my friends. We never really got to spend time with each other much. One day though we had time to do something fun. we had everything planned but something happened to mess with our plans. My friend got so angry and upset that she wouldn't even think about what else we could do. She just left and decided that if our plans were ruined then why bother doing anything else. We don't want to end up marrying someone who has a bad temper or doesn't know how to adjust very well to surprising situations. This is why person to person settings are better equipped for a solid good relationship. 

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