Thursday, November 10, 2016

This week I learned about the troubles of family life. The things we should and should not do as well. We tend to not know what to do in certain situations.

My teacher this week taught us that we must use the resources we are given. For instance in class we were given an example of a family consisting of a husband and wife. They were to have their first born child. The husband was always working to provide for his family. One day the wife was going down the stairs when she fell. She ended up having the baby early and it passed away. The family didn't cope too well with what had happened. They didn't know how to express their feelings to each other. They also didn't use their resources that they had. These consisted of each other and their families.

We must always try to help each other in our married or any other relationship. If we can't express how we feel or why we feel that way we will end up separating because of heart ache or anger. It is hard to love someone you don't understand or you get the wrong impression about.

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