Thursday, November 3, 2016

This week I learned about boundaries between married and engaged people from others. How much distance should you have from your guy friends as a married woman? Is it okay to flirt on Facebook with other people while you are married? If not how should you go about this situation.

One of the things my teacher taught us was to put up boundaries. You should always have a set of rules for those people and yourselves. For instance you should never be alone with the opposite sex or same gender. This can cause confusion and often other misunderstandings to happen. You will end up doing something you regret. This is especially with having relationships with other people where you flirt. Those people will get the wrong idea and your own spouse will lose trust in you.

You must always discuss boundaries with your spouse. This way both of you are on the same page and can solve issues or problems together. Marriage is built on trust. You should be able to talk to your spouses about your friends.

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